Sabtu, 6 Disember 2014

Pujian / Ujian ?

Hari ini , aku , seorg insan yang lemah lagi hina ini ,
ingin menitipkan satu pesan berharga buat anda semua.

Abaikan. =_="

Well this post is about pujian. :)

Sajak ini ditulis oleh saya. Nak copy paste ? Sila , tak perlu credits tu segala.


Apabila manusia disuap dengan
kemanisan pujian
Bibir membentuk senyuman
penuh bangga

Hati melonjak gembira gamaknya
'Indahnya pujian';
Manusia itu berkata

Sehinggakan kadangkala
Bibir kelu mengucap kasih
Tiadanya lidah dibasahi syukur
Kasturi wangian ujub takabbur
Memenuhi ruangan udara
Semerbak harumannya

Oh indahnya..

manusia itu tiada sedar
leka dan alpa
ujub dan dosa dilakukan tanpa bicara
hingga satu ketika
kilatan nista datang menyambar
manusia itu rebah menghempas
kegersangan tanah

Layu diselubungi 1001 soal dan tanya
ayat nafi diungkapkan semua
Tiada pernah rasa rendah dan hiba

Wahai manusia
Kau sudah buta
Warasi akal dan minda
Kenali yang mana racun
yang mana penawarnya.

read these quotes =>

WARNING , dah baca sajak di atas ,
ai nak tegaskan sikit , walaupun cacian itu meningkatkan prestasi ,
tak semestinya awak boleh terus mencaci. :)
motivate people , and during the hard times , someone will come to motivate you :)

3 ulasan :

  1. Sangat setuju~! =D Uuu~Jeles pada orang yang pandai tulis sajak. ;p

    "When a pen becomes a sword"
    Our beloved Prophet (Peace Be upon Him)’s glorius teaching us, he said, “Knowledge is like a camel, if you don’t tie it, it will get lost in the desert”. This statement is explained in an other hadith of Abu Dawud, “Tie knowledge by writing it down...” for me, Life is vacation, and “Writing is my vacation from living” (Eugene O’Neill).
    Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh.
    Okey , so I'm standing here to deliver an inspirational speech on a wonderful topic that is "When a pen becomes a sword".
    In a situation , when the teacher wants the students to write a composition or stuffs that relates to writing such as homeworks or whatsoever , there will be a loud sigh voice from the students saying "Its boring" "Useless" and so on. Yep , some people nowadays hate it to write , not only writing , some of them don't really like the idea of poems and literature. If writing is boring then maybe literature is two times the bore.
    But hey , without knowing, these kind of people are putting themselve into such a loss. Why am I saying this ? It's because they don't realise the real POWER of writing can actually change the world.
    Shocked with my statement ? Well , let me give you a few evidents to support that statement.
    Have you ever heard of Zul Fikri Zamir ? What about David Joseph Schwartz ? Both of them write best seller books that succeeded in influencing people's mind. They write down their ideas about motivation , humanity , world's problem and

  3. Name:Fatin Nur Azyan bt Ahmad Lazimi
    Class:4 Naeem
    Title:9 Tips for setting goals

    Bismillahirahmanirrahim.Assalamualaikum w.b.t..A very good morning to my teacher,Puan Ainur Zaharah and my fellow friends.Today,I want to share with you all about "9 tips for setting goals".
    First,write down your goals.It's always good to write down your goals on a sheet of paper or to print it out as you can refer to them at any time.It also makes your goals more concrete and keeps you focused on what you want to achieve.
    Second,express yourself positively.When writing down your goals,use positive language to boost your motivation.for example,try "Finish writing essay about your future" instead of "Finish writing this dumb essay".
    Third,prioritive.Be precise when choosing your goals.One good way to do this is to list down all the goals you can think of and then narrow down the list based on the goals that are most important to you.
    Forth,be realistic.It's important to set goals that are within your ability and skills to achieve.Don't set goals with the mindset of pleasing everyone.Instead,focus on what you want and what you know you can do.
    Fifth,set deadlines.Organize your list by setting specific deadlines for each goal.This way,you know what needs to be done first and how to pace yourself.Deadlines are also a way of showing your dedication to the goal at hand.
    Sixth,work at it daily.A little goes a long way.If you have nine chapters of History to read for your final exam,devide the amount so that you read one chapter a day.Not only is this easier,you can also absorb and understand facts at a more relaxing pace.
    Seventh,evaluate your progress regularly.Every now and then,you need to check on the status of your goals to see how far you've progressed.If you're progressing at the desired rate,then you are well on your way to realise your goal.If you're not,then take a step back and see what is wrong with your current approach as well as how you can improve it.
    Eighth,never give up.It may take a few tries for you to reach your goal.Remember that,this is a normal thing.Nobody is perfect and we all make mistakes.The key is to alway be patient and learn positively from each failure so that you don't repeat the same mistakes in the future.
    The last one is,reward yourself.Realizing a goal is a big accomplishment.You deserve to be rewarded for all of your hardwork.For example,if you have finished your revision within the deadline,take a break and congratulate yourself with a sweet treat or a movie.
    That all.Thank you.
